Remedies for Radiation Exposure

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Remedies for Radiation Exposure Empty Remedies for Radiation Exposure

Post by ReadyMom Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:27 am

16 Remedies for Radiation Exposure

Some nuclear events are survivable.

Much depends on the type of event and your proximity to ground zero. Event possibilities range from dirty bombs that may distribute radiation over a small area, to nuclear accidents and nuclear weapon detonation that create large amounts of destruction and contamination. Your first goal is to avoid nuclear fallout, so you should take shelter immediately following a nuclear event. Then, you must mitigate the exposure that you do receive. Stay informed of local recommendations for your area, but be aware that your local news reporting may be designed to prevent mass panic, rather than give the best advice.

Harmful Effects of Radiation Exposure

The harmful effects of radiation exposure are many and varied. Some effects go unnoticed, only to cause cancers months or years later.

Before exposure and immediately after exposure, you should act quickly to prevent absorption and remove radioactive substances from the body. There are a number of supplements and compounds that can help you detoxify and prevent damage. Each acts differently and some, like Iodine, are specific to only one radioisotope, so plan to use all of these methods, or as many as possible, for best results.

The Law of Selective Uptake

One important principle in protecting the body from the absorption of nuclear isotopes is the law of selective uptake. Reduced to bare bones, it means that radioactive isotopes look like nutrients to the body, so if the body is deficient, it will grab hold of the isotope and use it in the body. You can prevent this absorption by taking extra doses of the nutrients. Iodine supplements protect against iodine-131, cesium-137 mimics potassium in the body, strontium-90 mimics calcium, Plutonium-239 mimics iron, and cobalt-60 mimics vitamin B-12. Your first line of defense it to be nutritionally sound and take supplements for these minerals or vitamin when exposure is imminent or immediately following exposure.

We’ll talk about these supplements in more detail below: ---CONtiNUED---

#1. Iodine
#2. Potassium
#3. Calcium and Magnesium
#4. Iron
#5. Vitamin B-12
#6. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)
#7. Zeolite Clay
#8. Other Clays
#9. Activated Charcoal
#10. Papain
#11. Bee Pollen
#12. Beets
#13. Cold-pressed Organic Vegetable Oils
#14. Organic Germanium-132
#15. Prussian Blue
Other Recommendations

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Remedies for Radiation Exposure Empty Re: Remedies for Radiation Exposure

Post by ReadyMom Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:56 am

How to Avoid Radiation Poisoning When the Unthinkable Happens

Remedies for Radiation Exposure Ngcb11   (SNIP) ... While many preppers are preparing to survive a nuclear strike, I think the focus should be on preparing to deal with the radiation and fallout, because if you are caught in the blast radius then you will probably die immediately, but if you are caught just outside the blast radius, you will die slowly and painfully unless you know what to do.   ---CONTINUED---

Anything I post may NOT be used for commercial purposes or any type of 'For-Profit' distribution.Remedies for Radiation Exposure Ssig_thankyou_100-100

Posts : 7279
Join date : 2018-08-11

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